Travel Podcast, Blog, Interview, Travel Writers, Europe James Hammond Travel Podcast, Blog, Interview, Travel Writers, Europe James Hammond

Visiting The Baltics in 2024 and The Degeneration of Niagara (US Side)

My 152nd guest episode on the Winging It Travel Podcast features Dave Seminara, the author of Mad Travelers: A Tale of Wanderlust, Greed, and the Quest to Reach the Ends of the Earth, which I read a few years back.

Dave is a returning guest; honestly, he is welcome back at any point. I find Dave super fascinating to listen to, and one day, I hope we can collaborate on YouTube.

When planning my 2023 year-long trip, I wanted a book to pique my wanderlust, so I searched Google and found Mad Travelers. In 2022, I read the whole thing in a matter of days, and it is on my list to read again.

This book absolutely hooked me, so I had to ask Dave to come on the podcast. He duly did, providing a great episode about his book and the extreme traveler community. You can find that episode here.

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