A summary of travel stories from Rachel Fox, ridiculous, hilarious and infectious.
The Best of Rachel Fox’s Hilarious Travel Stories - Abuelo Horses, Sleeping At Gas Stations in Honduras, Socorro in Brazil + Strong Wind
My latest Winging It Travel Podcast episode features my good friend and unofficial podcast co-host, Rachel Fox.
Rachel has been on the podcast five times and shared some of the most hilarious travel stories to date. I thought I would re-purpose some old content and give you an excellent little summary episode of the best bits.
Honestly, you are in for a treat.
This laugh-a-minute episode is precisely what you need to start the week with. The aim is straightforward: to make you laugh with some family-friendly travel stories.
For context, many of these stories come from Rachel and her partner, Aaron’s 9-month trip to Central and South America. Aaron is fluent in Spanish and learnt Portuguese to a good standard for the trip. Rachel had tried her best to learn some Spanish and could converse with a native speaker…or so she thought.
These stories differ in the topic, from language difficulties to nightmare border crossings over land to hiking drama.
Rachel’s episodes are some of the most popular guest episodes, and she is welcome to return anytime.
Check it out below, and let’s dive into some of my favourite topics from the episode.
Meeting as lab rats at the worst job of all time…for both of us.
So how did we meet?
New Zealand 2017: We had just toured the country in a campervan before settling in Wellington for our year-long work visa, so we signed up with all the recruitment agencies.
Within days, I got a job in a call centre for the Ministry of Education. I really didn’t want to do it, but I had to take it as we needed the money.
On my first day, I met Rachel and we instantly clicked.
After the first week, we grew even closer as we summarised on our lunch breaks about how awful this job was.
No training, angry teachers and strict hours were some of the pitfalls of the role.
We were supposed to be the ‘experts’ when answering calls from teachers when they asked us questions on how to use certain applications, it wasn’t fun when we didn’t even know the basics.
All of this struggle brought us closer together as we moaned about the role.
Rachel left in January, and I followed in February. There are many more stories from this time, but here is Rachel’s reaction below when she realizes what I am going to say about the job.
Rachel’s reaction to my impending statement about our shared job.
Hola, abuelo to a horse.
This translates to ‘hello grandad’ in English, which is fine and normal unless you say it to a horse like Rachel.
What makes me laugh throughout every episode of these stories is that Rachel is the antagonist or the victim.
Yet her partner, Aaron, is just going about his daily business in a normal fashion. Based on this episode, he has witnessed things that are downright hilarious but beggar belief.
You can forgive Rachel for forgetting her Spanish after a long day of hiking, but unfortunately, a group of locals, including Aaron, of course, witnessed this event.
What must they have been thinking?
Words can only really tell a small part of this story, so you will have to listen to the episode to get a good grasp of the background behind it, but below is a small snippet.
Rachel getting her Spanish mixed up after a heavy few days of hiking
Be careful of the words you bellow out in public
Language can be confusing especially when speaking a new one.
Rachel ran into this problem when in Brazil at a bus station trying to purchase bus tickets.
Aaron is quoted as saying ‘Rachel, can you please just shut up?’
Then a local is quoted as asking Rachel, ‘Are you sure you want to get a bus with this man?’.
The word in question? Socorro.
Rachel explains that it does mean ‘help’ but not in the traditional sense in English. In Portuguese, it means a ‘really bad help’ as if something awful is happening.
I am still coming to terms with this story as I just can’t quite understand what was going through Rachel’s mind when saying it.
You will have to listen to the episode to find out.
Check out my latest YouTube episode in Lebanon.
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Summary of my latest episode with Rachel Fox.
Quite frankly, it was hilarious listening back and putting this episode together.
With Rachel living in New Zealand and us in Vancouver, we rarely catch up.
However, Rachel popped in to see us in Norwich during Xmas as she was local unexpectedly. It was the quickest 90 minutes of all time, but we loved catching up.
I am actually working on Rachel to come back on the podcast to do a little mini-series with me for the podcast.
Just funny travel stories, having fun and providing some of the laughter we all need.
I implore you to listen today; you won’t regret it!
Please leave a review for the podcast; this is free and crucial in the future in 2024.
This episode is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Audible, Spreaker, and anywhere you get your podcasts!